Queue System & Kioks

By Qlink

Managing customers’ queue experience and waiting time is an essential part of delighting your customers. Queue management is the process of improving your business by managing customer’s waiting experience

What is a Queue Management System?

A Queue Management System is primarily a system that makes sure that customers get served in the right order, but according to our renewed definition of Queue Management (above) a Queue Management System is then a system that manages the customer’s waiting experience throughout their entire journey, from pre-service to post-service. The solution can contain either or both software and hardware that help businesses to facilitate the customer’s access to service, to plan and manage customer flow and staff, and to gather data to improve the customer experience.

Benefits of a Queue Management System

A queue management system enables you to practically manage customers throughout their interactions with your organization and make that journey as comfortable and smooth as possible. It also helps you understand how your customers and employees engage, providing you the insights you need to improve both the customer experience and the operational efficiency.

Q-Link Ticket dispenser, touch screen 21.5″ LCD

Our ticket dispenser is a decorative part of any modern customer area.
The “portrait-oriented” 21.5-inch LCD enables to display up to 10 services (group) buttons on one page, Pressing a service group button will show the next menu level with up to ten buttons, which can be used for services or further service groups.

Special Features in our ticket dispenser:

– Slim White Ticket Dispenser
– Communications: Wired / Wireless RF433MHz
– Response Time: 4ms
– Multi-languages
– High Printing Speed with 150mm/s 3″ thermal printer is connected to an internal PC on which a Windows operating system is running.
– Optional card reader and Paypass reader
– Full antimagnetic and antistatic steel streamlined cabinet with car metal
paint, placed on a floor stand
– Interface: HDMI output/ RJ45 / USB 2.0*6

14 Functions Terminal call-pad

With the help of this keyboard the clerk can handle all the service procedures: e.g.: call, recall, forward to a counter or service, close the service procedure or move the customers onto the waiting list.
The illuminated display of the keyboard can show textual messages also, which are helping the operation.

– Color: Blue (LED), Frame front and back gray color.
– Frame: Fully plastic materials
– Panel Blue LCD display
– Application Showing setting and calling information
– Communications: Wired / Wireless RF433

QLINK LED Teller Counter Display

To help customers’ orientation counter displays are mounted above or beside the counter.
At calling event, the ticket number with is blinking for adjustable time period (and blinking speed) on the display and the 2-digit counter number is blinking too if it is configured as waiting area display.
The number is shown on the display until the teller presses the STOP/CLOSE button of the calling unit.

– Color:Red (LED), Frame Front and Back Black Color
– Frame: : Fully Anti-Magnetic And Anti-Static Aluminum Frame With Automotive Metal Paint
– Panel: F 3.75mm Bright Red LED 8 Letters in one Line
– Visibility: Display Visible From 60 Feet Distance

QLINK LCD Teller Counter Display


Every Waiting Second of Your Customer’s Time Counts

Don’t waste your customers’ time by showing them irrelevant promotions. Qlink’s smart Digital Signage system displays relevant and dynamic content based on your customers’ profiles.

The centralized digital signage software identifies the audience in the waiting area and displays targeted ads to them based on their interests, segments, and transaction history. Keep customers engaged while boosting purchase intent. Your customers will thank you for it – and you’ll increase your ROI.

QLINK Android Media Player Controller & digital signage

This multimedia player device is running on Android OS and connected to any type of LCD/LED/Plasma TV/display showing the usual waiting area display information of a queue management system and media/video content, news content from RSS feed, another HTML webpage and moving text. These types of contents can be organized in several zones on the surface.

-CPU : Quadcore -A40
– Internal memory 16GB
– Operation system Android
– Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n
– Ethernet 10M/100M
– USB USB 2.0 x 2
– HDMI HDMI output

Queue Management Software
The QLINK queue management software supports both central server and distributed master-slave server architectures. All of its elements are web-based, therefore it can be used with PC, tablet, smart phone.


  • Visualization

    Visualization module for the management to gain immediate information about the customer-flow situation in the branch, for the customers to see their position in the virtual queue

  • Digital Signage

    Digital signage (media display) software that shows the usual waiting area display / calling information, video files, RSS feed, another website, pictures, centrally organized, by creating playlists

  • Identification

    The customer can identify himself by entering his phone number, using bank and other cards, RFID cards, etc, for example to get higher priority based on his VIP level. The customer information can be also seen on teller’s calling application and in ticket report.

  • Customer Feedback

    Customer feedback module to be used with voice recording module: to be able to evaluate the reason of a bad rate

  • Statistics

    Full reporting and monitoring module, customizable, extended with scheduled report generation to be sent by e-mail.

  • Rules

    Customizable rules can be created to modify operation logic (e.g. change calling order). This way unique customer servicing requirements can be covered.